Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where have all the prophets gone?

They're not in our church. They never were.

The real prophets are out on the street. The real prophets are being Christ to the world. They're leading our urban governments, they're leading our nonprofits. They're in rural Africa teaching sustainable development. They are creating social change and bringing justice to the world in a way the church never could have imagined.

Jesus understood the radical change necessary in our world, to remove the yoke of oppression from our fellow man and remove the chains of injustice while throwing away the religious garbage.

Sadly our churches just don't get it. We're too busy determining the color of the baptistry and ensuring we have the right color carpet. Modern day Pharisees.

I used to love listening to preachers, going to youth rallies. Those people could get me excited about God. It just doesn't work any more.

I guess it's why I don't listen to preachers much any more. I'm kind of skeptical about them. The real preachers, the real prophets, are out there on the streets.

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